Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact
Computing Intent
Our intent at Greatfield Park School is to provide all pupils with access to the skills needed to operate in the 21st century.
By the time they leave Greatfield Park, pupils will have gained key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully).
The objectives within each strand support the development of learning across the key stages. These skills are taught both discreetly and indiscreetly using individual classes projects to help teach the skills where possible. By utilising both these teaching methods we aim for every pupil to be meeting expectations at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. On occasions where this might not be the expectation for pupils, either for pupils working towards the expected standard or who are at greater depth, teachers will change how the lesson is delivered to provide everyone with support.
As pupils progress through the school there is also an increasing emphasis put on how to use technology safety and where appropriate these lessons are taught explicitly away from the classes project.
Computing Implementation
Pupils participate in regular Computing lessons in order to achieve the intent of the Computing and Online Safety curriculum at Greatfield Park. In addition to stand-alone lessons, skills taught are incorporated into other subjects, given the cross-curricular nature of computing and the opportunities to expand and develop lessons that this brings. Lessons are delivered using a range of devices and through un-plugged activities where necessary. These devices include laptops, iPads, interactive whiteboards and programmable toys. Where possible, children are given the opportunity to choose how best to complete a task when technology is needed in lessons.
The delivery of Computing and Online Safety at Greatfield Park is planned in line with the National Curriculum and allows for clear progression as children move through each stage of their education with us. Teachers use the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme to support their planning of a progressive and comprehensive curriculum and ‘Project Evolve’ every short term to aid with their teaching of Online Safety. Both these schemes of work provide full coverage and progression for each year group and recommend software and technology that teachers need to use to deliver their lessons effectively.
Computing Long-Term Overviews and Progressions
Computing Impact
The impact of the computing curriculum will be measured in a variety of different ways, this includes through pupil voice, lesson observations and work scrutiny.
The impact of the curriculum will also be seen in the increase in child’s confidence when using technology throughout the school. In terms of the curriculum this will be seen by children being able to be more independent during computing lessons and when using technology throughout the wider curriculum.
The impact of the e-safety curriculum will be harder to judge although, if successful, we will see less incidents being reported by pupils and parents. Through parental surveys we will hope to see more parents reporting that their children are showing an increased awareness of how to stay safe online.