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Music Intent, Implementation and Impact


Music Intent

At Greatfield Park Primary School, children begin their music provision in the Early Years. This is built upon from Year 1 to the end of Key Stage 2 as pupils follow the national curriculum music programmes of study. ‘The Charanga Musical School’ scheme, our pupils are provided with an excellent, progressive scheme that enables them to engage in exciting and challenging music lessons that are integrated, practical and experiential. Our music scheme is coherently planned and sequenced, encouraging the development of listening, appraising as well as developing an understanding of the history of music. Pupils are given opportunities to create, explore and perform whilst developing their musical vocabulary and supporting their cultural development. We expect that pupils should achieve the expected standard in music by the end of the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and 2.


Pupils are given opportunities to apply their reading, writing and mathematical skills within our music curriculum. For example, pupils may write about their impressions of a piece of music and how it makes them feel, which will support their application of writing skills. They may be asked to count the beats whilst listening to piece of music.


Music embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At Greatfield Park Primary School, we aspire to deliver a high quality music curriculum underpinned by our DREAMS values. We aim to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.


Our music curriculum celebrates inclusion. All pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND are supported to develop their musical knowledge, skills and understanding. This leads to improved access and will prepare them for their future success.


Music has the ability to bring pupils together; to feel connected, whatever their prior attainment in our ever-changing world. We utilise a number of external music teachers who offer further expertise in supporting our pupils achieve their musical potential within whole-class ensemble tuition. Our joy of music at Greatfield Park feeds the soul of our school community, enriching each pupil and contributing to the making of our thriving school.

Music Implementation

Music is taught weekly using the Charanga music scheme. Children also listen to music and sing in assemblies as well as have a chance to perform in front of an audience. Music lessons follow a structure of listening and appraising music, musical games (including games, singing, playing, improvising and composing) and then performance and sharing.

In line with the National curriculum for Music, the Charanga scheme allows music to be taught in an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning. The units of work are at the end of this document and each comprises of strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:

1.Listening and Appraising

2.Musical Activities       

a. Warm-up Games

b. Optional Flexible Games

c. Singing

d. Playing instruments

e. Improvisation

f. Composition


Year 3 and Year 5 pupils have the opportunity to take part in a term of ‘Whole-Class Ensemble Tuition’ (WCET). These whole class instrumental lessons are practical music-making lessons, using a range of instruments, in a block of ten weeks, which allows children to build on their knowledge and skills in their weekly session. We have already been able to offer pupils the opportunity to play the guitar, violin, viola, samba drums and cornet.


In order to further complement our curriculum, we offer peripatetic lessons in guitar and ‘Rock Steady’ but there is a small fee for this.

Music Impact

The impact for our Music curriculum will be measured through the standard of performances across the school and annual assessment detailing if children are working below, at or above age expected outcomes.