How can I access this service?
If you have any concerns, please talk to us. We can make a referral to the Gloucestershire Early Help. If your child is pre –school age GPs, health visitors and children’s centre staff all know about the Early Help Service and can help to make a referral if that is what you think would help.
Our approach is to work closely with families and to hold a Team Around the Child (TAC) of Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting so that everyone is clear about what we are trying to achieve and who is doing what. Before we can start to work with your family we need your consent. The work is confidential and you will be asked for permission for us to speak with other relevant professionals on your behalf.
GlosFamilies Directory say on the website that this is what effective early help feels like for children and families:
- We only have to tell our story once.
- We are listened to, heard and respected at every stage of our journey through early help.
- We can have early help for the whole family.
- We can focus on strengths and building resilience.
- We have a trusted individual in our lives that we can confidently turn to for help when we need it.
- We are supported to think about what to change and how we might make those changes.
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