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Nicola Dunn


About Me

I have been a parent at Greatfield for the past 4 years, during times of change and challenge. My daughter is now in Year 4 and loves her school!


I am a local primary school teacher with 15+ years of experience in education. I feel the time is right for me to offer more directed support as a parent Governor. I have always volunteered (around my teaching) to hear children read in school and attended class trips or helped at events. These are wonderful moments to me, building relationships with the children and being part of a vibrant school community.


I am passionate about the educational opportunities and experiences of all children and curriculum development that provides rich and purposeful learning. I am delighted to become more involved in this wonderful, family school as a parent governor, bringing my personal skills and experiences to contribute to the further development of Greatfield Park over the coming years.


Governor Type

Parent Governor (Elected by parents)


Term of Office

4 years: 11/10/2021 - 10/10/2025


Key Roles & Responsibilities

  • Vice-Chair of Curriculum & Standards Committee
  • Link Governor for Pupil Voice, and British Values
  • Curriculum Link Governor for EYFS, and PSHE